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1 GB/T 725-1991 内燃机产品名称和型号编制规则 Internal combustion engines—Nomenclature and code of designations

2 GB/T 726-1994 往复式内燃机 旋转方向、气缸和气缸盖上气门的标志及直列式内燃机右机、左机和发动机方位的定义 Reciprocating internal combustion engines--Designation of the direction of rotation and of cylinders and valves in cylinder heads and definition of right-hand and left-hand in line engines and locations on an engine

3 GB/T 727-1985 涡轮增压器产品命名和型号编制方法 Denomination for turbochargers and code of identification symbols

4 GB/T 1105.1-1987 内燃机台架性能试验方法 标准环境状况及功率、燃油消耗和机油消耗的标定 Performance test methods for reciprocating internal combustion engine--Standard ambient conditions and declarations of power, fuel consumption and lubricating oil consumption

5 GB/T 1105.2-1987 内燃机台架性能试验方法 试验方法 Performance test methods for reciprocating internal combustion engine--Test methods

6 GB/T 1105.3-1987 内燃机台架性能试验方法 测量技术 Performance test methods for reciprocating internal combustion engine--Measurement techniques

7 GB/T 1147-1987 内燃机通用技术条件 Reciprocating internal combustion engines--General technical specifications

8 GB/T 1148-1993 内燃机铝活塞技术条件 Aluminium piston--Reciprocating internal combustion engines--Technical specifications

9 GB/T 1149.1-1994 内燃机活塞环 通用规则 Internal combustion engines--Piston rings--General specifications

10 GB/T 1149.2-1994 内燃机活塞环 术语 Internal combustion engines--Piston rings-Vocabulary

11 GB/T 1149.3-1992 内燃机活塞环 刮环 Internal combustion engines-Piston rings-Scraper rings

12 GB/T 1149.4-1994 内燃机活塞环 技术要求 Internal combustion engines--Piston rings--Quality requirements

13 GB/T 1149.5-1992 内燃机活塞环 油环 Internal combustion engines-Piston rings-Oil control rings

14 GB/T 1149.6-1994 内燃机活塞环 检验方法 Internal combustion engines--Piston rings--Inspection measuring principles

15 GB/T 1149.7-1994 内燃机活塞环 螺旋撑簧油环 Internal combustion engines--Piston rings--Coil-spring-loaded oil control rings

16 GB/T 1150-1993 内燃机湿式铸铁气缸套技术条件 Internal combustion engines--Cast iron wet type cylinder liners--Specification

17 GB/T 1151-1993 内燃机主轴瓦及连杆轴瓦技术条件 Internal combustion engines--Main and connecting rod bearings--Specification

18 GB 1576-1996 低压锅炉水质 Water quality for low pressure boilers

19 GB/T 1859-1989 内燃机噪声声功率级的测定 准工程法 Determination of sound power levels of internal combustion engines noise—Quasi-engineering method

20 GB/T 1883-1989 往复活塞式内燃机 术语 Reciprocating internal combustion engines—Terminology

21 GB/T 1921-1988 工业蒸汽锅炉 参数系列 Specifications for industrial steam boiler

22 GB/T 2785-1988 内燃机气门弹簧技术条件 Internal combustion engine--Technical requirements for valve springs

23 GB/T 2940-1982 柴油机用喷油泵、调速器、喷油器弹簧技术条件 Technical specifications of springs for fuel pump, governor and injecter of diesel engines

24 GB/T 3166-1988 热水锅炉 参数系列 Specifications series of hot water boiler

25 GB/T 3821-1983 中小功率内燃机清洁度测定方法 Determination of cleanliness for small and medium power internal combustion engines

26 GB/T 4556-1984 往复式内燃机防火 Reciprocating internal combustion engines--Fire protection

27 GB/T 4672-1984 往复式内燃机手操纵机构动作方向 Reciprocating internal combustion engines--Hand operated control devices--Standard direction of motion

28 GB/T 4759-1995 内燃机排气消声器测量方法 Measurement procedure for exhaust silencers of internal combustion engines

29 GB/T 5264-1985 柴油机喷油泵柱塞偶件技术条件 Technical specification of fuel injection pump plunger and barrel assembly for diesel engines

30 GB/T 5769-1986 柴油机喷油器总成技术条件 Technical specification for fuel injector assemblies of diesel engines

31 GB/T 5771-1986 柴油机喷油泵出油阀偶件技术条件 Technical specification for delivery valves of fuel injection pumps of diesel engines

32 GB/T 5772-1986 柴油机喷油嘴偶件技术条件 Technical specification for fuel injection nozzles of diesel engines

33 GB/T 6072-1985 往复式内燃机超速保护 Reciprocating internal combustion engines--overspeed protection

34 GB/T 6573-1986 拖拉机柴油机散热器型号编制方法 Cooling water radiators for tractor diesel engines--Method of identification symbols

35 GB/T 6574-1986 拖拉机柴油机散热器型式、参数和连接尺寸 Types and dimensions and installation parameters of cooling water radiators for tractor diesel engines

36 GB/T 6809.1-1986 往复式内燃机 内燃机零部件名词和定义 第一部分 固定件及外部罩盖 Reciprocating internal combustion engines--Terms and definitions of engine components--Part 1: Struture and external covers

37 GB/T 6809.2-1988 往复式内燃机零部件术语和定义 气门组件、凸轮轴传动和气门驱动机构 Reciprocating internal combustion engines-vocabulary of components and systems--Valves, camshaft drive and actuating mechanisms

38 GB/T 6809.3-1989 往复式内燃机零部件术语 主要运动件 Reciprocating internal combustion engines—Terminology of components main running gear

39 GB/T 6809.4-1989 往复式内燃机零部件术语 增压及进排气管系统 Reciprocating internal combustion engines—Terminology of components pressure-charging and air/exhaust gas ducting systems

40 GB/T 6903-1986 锅炉用水和冷却水分析方法 通则 Methods for analysis of water for boiler and for cooling--General rule


行业标准规范英汉对照-内燃机(1) 机械词典 
