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编辑时间:2008-08-02 19:43
die 模具
figure file, chart file图档
cutting die, blanking die冲裁模
progressive die, follow (-on)die 连续模
compound die复合模
punched hole冲孔
panel board镶块
to cutedges=side cut=side scrap切边
to bending折弯
to pull, to stretch拉伸
Line streching, line pulling线拉伸
engraving, to engrave刻印
upsiding down edges翻边
to stake铆合
designing, to design设计
design modification设计变化
die block模块
folded block折弯块
sliding block滑块
location pin定位销
lifting pin顶料销
die plate, front board模板
padding block垫块
stepping bar垫条
upper die base上模座
lower die base下模座
upper supporting blank上承板
upper padding plate blank上垫板
spare dies模具备品
spring 弹簧


模具英语 机械英汉词典 
